Friday, February 27, 2009

22 weeks

I am getting closer and closer to a giant sigh of relief. I have 10 days until minimum viability. Sean Marc and I are doing well. He was practicing kicking for the NFL last night, and I had no problems. He is starting to get interactive and play with me. H's mostly calm, but every once in a while gets very active. We had a sonogram that showed a big smile on his face. Aric thinks I'm crazy, but he looks just like his dad.

Krystal is getting a little less tolerant of me not coming home.. I'm hoping she will be better if she gets to spend the night here with me. I found out that I get 30 minutes a day outside my room. I may start to take advantage of that. Last night was the first time I really needed out of my room. She pushed and sat on my lap in the wheel chair. It was fun for both of us.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

2nd try

It's been very busy for the internet around here. I typed a blog and lost it due to high traffic.

The baby and I are doing well. On Monday they told me that he weighs 1#3oz. This is a good weight for 21 weeks. I was surprised how relieved I was. I guess I was worried that my anemia would effect him in the long run.

I'm doing very well. I am managing to read and scrapbook to keep myself busy. Aric is slowly bringing up my supplies. Its going to take a moving van when I finally get to go home.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Control issues

The baby and I are doing well. He is finally big enough to get his heart rate using the togo monitor. I love hearing his consistantly strong heart beat. I'm about 21 weeks now, just three more to minimum viability. I think we are going to make it.

Aric and I had a nice Valentines Day. We don't celebrate the holiday, but Aric and Krystal cut out pink, red, and white hearts and taped them all over the door. I am very blessed to have such a great husband and daughter.

I had a nightmare that I was back in the restaurant trying to find things and failing. I was unable to find a bottle of white wine and someone ordered a stuffed burrito. I was trying to tell the lady that we don't have stuffed burritos in Italian restaurants. I had told the table that I would take good care of them, and getting upset because I could not do what I had promised. I find it interesting that when I dream of being out of control it's always in a restaurant. Unlike my usual dreams I know this one represents my frustration with not being able to control the situation.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hangin' in there

Wednesday night I could not sleep. I took a sleeping pill and slept all day Thursday. I guess that might be one way to get through the upcoming months. I had visitors last night and really enjoyed chatting for a while. I'm very grateful that I was able to graduate in December. This crisis would have derailed school indefinitely. I had a sonogram yesterday morning. The previa is complete. The small space visible last time is no longer there. Sean is still as healthy as can be. I have a picture of him looking forward with his hands by his face. Maybe he is praying also. Now I just have to be patient for the next several months.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I've moved

Tonight a larger room became available and I moved into my temporary home for the next three months. I am in room 13 on the second floor. The room has a plaque that says "birthing room". Don't panic I have no intention of having a baby in this room. It is much larger. I have a five star hospital room. I may get spoiled.


crazy outside

Its been very calm in the hospital, outside the world has gone crazy. Our refrigerator and television are both broken. Aric is at his maximum stress tolerance. He is buying dry ice to save our food until the repair is done on the refrigerator. I'm trying to help him look for a new TV, but when it comes down to it he's on his own. Last night a tornado was near the hospital. We were all evacuated to the hall. It's probably the only time I will ever see the women in the rooms. All of them are further along in their pregnancies than I am. The closest to me is 23 weeks. The woman next door is 35 weeks. It gave me hope to see her and think maybe I will make it that far.

Krystal had a program at school last night. Aric said that she did great and of course was the best one there. Today is the first day I have struggled with depression. I want to be home helping my husband. He's trying to be a single parent and still drive to see me daily. I know that my being at home would not help him. I would just give him more work. It is still difficult to know that I cannot be a good mother or partner right now.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jealous of the toilet engineers

I had a great day. The doctor let me get rid of the Foley and shower. I never thought a seated shower would feel so good. My legs are bizarre after 9 days of complete bed rest. It feels like my everything from lower back and down has gone to sleep. I had to rest in the 5 feet to the bathroom. My toilet leaks so engineers have been coming and going all day to flush it. I never thought I would be jealous of the toilet engineers. They walk so easily. I think they are going to have to move me to another room to fix it. I will keep everyone posted. None the less, I'm extremely thankful to be able to walk across my room slowly.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

29 days and counting

29 days until I reach 24 weeks. At that point Sean Marc will be able to live if something happens. Of course I would like to keep him in as long as possible. He is very active right now. The heart monitor must have awakened him. Aric says I look bigger today. I cannot tell from my view lying down. I may get to stand up tomorrow.

I'm now at five days without incident. I was very tired today, but got plenty of rest. Krystal climbed into bed with me and we watched Ariel 3. It felt nice to snuggle with her.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Feb 7th

I'm very glad to report 4 completely uneventful days. We are still working on continuous Internet access, but for today I have Aric's school computer again. Thursday's sonogram showed a small space between the placenta and the cervix. This is excellent news that gives me hope.

I'd like to say thank you to my home team for helping us with Krystal in this time. She is having a ton of fun. Pamma and Gramps took her at noon today and Aric and I had a fabulous date night. We enjoyed steaks and a movie... just like normal except the Foley and hospital bed. Super nice just the same.

The baby is very calm today. I wonder if he's tired or lazy :) I'm thankful, his acrobatics could possibly start the bleeding again. See you all soon.


Monday, February 2, 2009

First Post

Hello folks, this is Aric testing the site for Tamara. She was slightly drugged and couldn't get the site to respond, plus I believe the Hospital's wireless might have been too heavily in use when she tried to access this site.

She's had a good day. Mild bleeding. The doctor thought that if she could keep this up that he might send her home. She reminded him that we live almost 45 minutes away. At that point he said "Never mind", so she'll be staying at Grapevine Baylor for the fore seeable future.

If this works, there will be more editing in the future! Cheers!

- Aric