Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sean changed the birth plan

Well, true to form Sean changed the birth plan. Less than twelve hours before our c-section he decided that a normal birth would be better. Krystal was in the room with me when my water broke and it scared her. She has seen way more than any child should during this pregnancy. Aric made it from Arlington to Grapevine during rush hour in 13 minutes, good thing I was in to much pain to complain. It happened so fast it was over in less than three hours. I was completely unprepared for how painful labor pains are. He had the cord wrapped around his neck twice, but it did not cause any problems because it was over so quickly. I pushed less than 30 minutes. I think even the doctor cheered when Sean was safely delivered and the pregnancy was over. My recovery is so much better with Sean. I guess I was not exaggerating how painful it was with Krystal. I feel like dancing this one is so much easier. So far Sean is completely different than Krystal. He eats and sleeps like a champion. He does have day and night reversed, but I'm so happy to have a good eater that I don't mind. Krystal is the best big sister I could possibly ask for. She even helps with the diaper changes and laughed when he peed on her during a bath. She gets up in the middle of the night and helps burp him without complaint. I'll be surprised it this continues, but its nice that she is not fighting for our attention.