Friday, May 29, 2009

21 days and counting.

We get to deliver Sean by c-section on June 19th. He weighed 5 pounds 10 ounces at my last doctors visit. I'm so ready. My car seat/stroller was delivered yesterday. Now they will let us leave the hospital. We had to custom order his crib bedding because of the round crib. It should be ready in 2 weeks. We did not have enough going on in our lives, so we scheduled surgery on both of Aric's feet last Wednesday. It was much more difficult than we thought and the anesthesia made him sick. His pain was more than we remembered the last time he had the procedure done on the left foot. He is over the worst of the pain now, but still uses my wheel chair to get around the house during the day. It's a toss up on which one of us looks more pathetic at the moment. The day before the surgery we had to put Tux to sleep. I was to upset to handle going to the vet's office. Thank God Aric's cousin Shannon volunteered to do it and we took her up on it. We are now pet free and it feels strange. Needless to say, Krystal has been a bit emotionally unpredictable. She's had a lot of things to deal with for someone so young. She is still very excited about meeting her brother and talks to him every day. I am ready to be no pregnant any more, but have three long weeks to wait.

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